21 Polska St., 81-334 Gdynia, Poland   phone:+4858 6207096,   fax:+4858 6210212


Key attributes of inspection services carried out by Shipcontrol Sp. z o.o. are:

  1. Impartiality and independence:
    • The shareholders of Shipcontrol Sp. z o.o. are private persons.
    • The scope of services of Shipcontrol Sp. z o.o. includes exclusively surveying and inspection of cargoes in domestic and international turnover.
    • We are not capitally connected with any other firm.
    • Our activity is based on work of long-term and experienced employees.

  2. Certainty, reliability, professionalism and experience:
    • The company's experience allows for adjustment of our inspection services to the needs of our clients.
    • Employment of highly qualified team and continual development of our human resources.
    • In a long-term practice Shipcontrol has worked out unfailing system of inspection of majority of cargoes in international turnover.
    • All our inspections are carried out in accordance with law , domestic and international standards, commonly accepted customs and procedures in international trade and transport - depending on our Clients' needs.
    • We guarantee conformity of our inspection results with actual state concerning cargoes subject to our inspections - for the moment and place of inspection.

  3. Confidentiality and discretion:
    • Loyalty to our clients is treated as a paramount rule for us, which means, that we guarantee that, any information entrusted to us as necessary to carry out our services - will be kept in secret.
    • Inspection results are not presented to anybody without specific instruction of our principals.

  4. Promptness
    • Almost each order is processed without delay, inspection results are successively passed to our principals or their agents.
    • Ultimate inspection effect is worked out without delay after completion of inspection.
    • Inspection is carried out In such a way that the process of reloading is not disturbed.

  5. Possibility to achieve economic benefits:
    • In Exports:
      • Prevention aid against quantity and quality claims.
      • Limitation of risk of transport damages.
      • Reduction of risk of mixture of consignments.
      • Increase of certainty in correct reloading and transport.
      • Benefits from correct and efficient discharging In the destination port.
      • More convenient issue of correct transport documentation (so helpful In financing of exports).

    • In Imports:
      • Assistance in combining of potentially most effective discharging and storage.
      • Reduction of risk of mixture of consignments.
      • Help in proper care and marketing of damaged cargoes.
      • Enabling our clients to effectively execute claim procedures.
      • Considerably easier planning of sales, distribution and deliveries.
      • Facilities for quick customs clearance.
        Enabling our clients to execute financial settlements taking into account actual condition, quantity and quality of cargo - at the moment of taking over the responsibility for the cargo.